Final fantasy XV – probably the best of the lot – Review

The XV series is the latest iteration of the long running highly successful gaming franchise – Final fantasy and its called Final fantasy XV.
Lets talk about the game building blocks one by one.

Final fantasy XV is a great graphical marvel, every character design, environment systems such as dungeons or open wide words looks flawless and eye catching, the game looks highly polished and beautiful.

Character modelling is on line with previous Final fantasy games, be we see a fusion of western and traditional Japanese character design and it its a very welcome move considering the appeal of the game worldwide.

The battle system is extremely fluid, engrossing and fun, however the camera still sometimes struggles to keep up with the games fight sequences but the (really useful) snap lock feature can re-adjust the camera to keep the fight in the view.

At core, Final fantasy XV is a guyz road trip kind of game, All the characters are developed and integrated very well into the game, while playing the game it feels like being a part of the environment and we can relate to the characters by understanding them better. the four main casts of the game are written very well and feels like part of a dysfunctional but real family with individual thoughts and behaviour streaks.
USP of the game

Altogether, the game works really well in all the departments, The USP of the game is definitely the narrative of the game, the way all the main characters are developed and presented, it allows the gamers to connect with them on a emotional level and this makes the game even more enjoyable than it already is.

Final fantasy XV has amazing narrative, beautifully realistic graphics , interesting / multi dimensional character design and good fighting mechanics, the game is in no way less than a masterpiece.