Playstation 4 Pro Review

Lets talk about the new playstation, not the slim version but the more powerful sibling called the pro, The PS4 Pro.
Well the first visible change is the addition of a third deck to the old playstation 4 design, so now the playstation 4 pro has three decks instead of its two decked predecessor, the new device is also a bit taller and heavier than the previous one.
The power and eject buttons are both physical unlike the touch bars in original playstation 4 along with an additional USB 3.0 port on the back, design wise the new piece of hardware is pretty distinguishable from the previous playstation 4.
The playstation 4 pro comes with the new dualshock 4 controller introduced with the playstation 4 slim some time back, so the only update you get is a small led light bar on the top of the touchpad.
Well, this is what we are all waiting for, all the design q are just cosmetics, the real deal is on the inside
- GPU: The playstation 4 pro will have 36 GCN compute units running at 911 MHZ instead of 18 GCN compute units running at 800 MHZ on the previous model.
- CPU: The 8 core jaguar CPU from amd remains unchanged but the clock speed of the CPU is increased from 1.6 GHz on the playstation 4 to 2.1 GHz on the playstation 4 pro.
- RAM: Theres something interesting going on in this department, The playstation 4 had 8 GB of DDR 5 RAM with data transfer rate of 176 GB/s, but on the playstation 4 pro, sony has added 1 GB of additional DDR3 ram for nongaming uses like multitasking, netflix and youtube video streaming etc, sony has also bumped up the RAM data transfer rate, so now the playstation 4 pro has 8 GB of DDR 5 ram with data transfer rate of 218 GB/s , plus it also has 1GB of DDR 3 ram for multitasking activities.
With all that extra horsepower on the inside, we should expect an increase in the perfomence of the console, while we know that most games on the playstation 4 ran at lower than 1080 p resolution, mostly at 900v, with the additional power of the playstation 4 pro, we can now enjoy native 1080p gameplay easily, while the difference will be very hard to notice, we also get an additional option to some games like last of us remastered at higher frame rates with better graphics.
- 4K Gaming: While 4K gaming is one the major marketing point of sony, anybody with a little understanding of computer hardware would agree that real 4K rendering of very high quality and complex 3D world on the playstion 4 pro hardware will be a tough nut to crack, so what most (not all) of the developers are doing is that they are Checkboarding, they are using the extra horsepower to upscale the game to higher resolution, the results are very very good, while all the games will not support be available for 4K gameplay but we are certain popular titles will certainly be optimised for native 4K gameplay on the playstation 4 pro.
- VR: With the extra horsepower under the hood and 4k ready gameplay, we sincerely home we will see some engrossing VR games soon, the existing VR games readily feels smoother on the playstation 4 pro than on the older console.