Raji: An Ancient Epic is a video game set in ancient India. Chaos unfolds as demons invade the human realm with ambitions to overthrow the mighty gods themselves.Amidst this war, a girl is chosen. Her destiny, to rescue her younger brother and face the demon lord Mahabalasura. Blessed by the gods, Raji sets on a journey… An adventure awaits. The game features mesmerizing environments inspired by the Rajasthani architecture found in the state of Rajasthan. A challenging combat system where Raji will be aided with traditional weapons, like Trishul, Gada, Scythe and more. The enemies include a diverse pool of brutal demons, minibosses and boss fights. The game features unique level scenarios and puzzles where we can see the grand scale and more of the universe it is set in. Watch the game reveal trailer below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDplidD3mho Nodding Heads Games PVT LTD. is an independent developer founded in Jan 2017, they are passionate developers who are ex employees of EA, Zynga, Rockstar, Ubisoft and The Chinese Room. Visit them online on www.noddingheadsgames.com
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