Monster Hunter Rise Nintendo Switch is an action, role-playing game. Monster Hunter Rise Nintendo Switch is the sixth mainline installment in the Monster Hunter series, developed and published by Capcom. The game will be available for playing on PC, XBOX One, and PlayStation 4.

The story starts in Kamura village. The player will reside in this place with two companions, Felyne and Palamute. Fugen, the village leader, calls for the play through the Wyverian twins Hinoa and Minoto. When leaving to meet Fugen, the player notices an unknown flying monster flying. Upon reaching, the elder twin discloses that he received a letter about “The Rampage” It was referred to as an incident fifty years ago. A group of monsters attacked the villagers without any reason known. Fugen, twins, and the player go to Stronghold, the battleground also the guarding gates of Kamura. Suddenly they noticed a tiger-like, mace-tailed Fanged Wyvern attacking Yomogi, the village chief, and Iori, ” the Buddy Handler” Fugen tells them about the monster, “Magnamalo”.
The player gets the first task, to kill Magnamalo. After successful completion of the task, Fugen and Hinoa congratulate the player. Fugen offers his long sword to the player which, has been passed down for generations in Kamura.

After withstanding another attack, Hinoa wonders how long the Rampage is going to last. Suddenly, the monster that they saw flying at the beginning of the game appears before Hinoa. The monster asks the Wyvern twin about his queen before collapsing. He is Ibushi, The Wind Serpent. Later, Master Utsushi, the village lookout, informed that the queen is Narwa, Ibushi’s female counterpart and mate. Narwa is a thunder spirit and is behind all the attacks. The player is assigned the task to kill Narwa. In a fierce battle, Narwa is killed, but the corpse could not be found. Fugen believes that Narwa is still alive. In the end, the player witnesses Hinoa and Minoto, possessed by Ibushi and Narwa, talking to one another about their offspring roaming around the world.

To stop The Rampage, you need to waive the ocean of monsters hovering the village using the 14 weapons and other traps available in the game. The weapons will be available to the villagers. After defeating several monsters, the players will have to defeat the leader of the packs. The monsters are named Apex Monsters. Defeating them will save the village.
In the game, the players will have two companions -Palacios and Palamutes.
Palacios, a feline companion, is an old character from the Monster Hunter Series. The players can take them on their hunting quests. Palacios can heal the players when in battle or when attacked by any monster. When using any motion or boosters, they can take the excess heat from the players. Other than helping in battle Palicos can help gather resources for its master. Palamute, a canine companion, is a new addition to Monster Hunter Rise. As per the trailer and demo quests, they help the players by attacking monsters. One of the characteristics of Palamutes is that they can double the speed up to travel around the map quicker.

Both the companion can wear armor and skins based on different themes. The players can customize them as they like. The players can take two companions along with them when going on a quest. The players can select one of each or two palicos or two palamutes together. Apart from battling, the hunters can interact with palamutes like giving treats, shaking paws, patting them, and others.
Regarding the monsters, four new monsters are available in the trailer and demo gameplay. They are Magnamalo- a Fanged Wyvern, Aknosom- a territorial Bird Wyvern, Great Izuchi- another Bird Wyvern, Tetranadon- an amphibian beast.
Some of the older monsters, like Rathalos, Khezu, Tigrex, Mizutsune are present in the Monster Hunter Rise Nintendo Switch. They will be using the older designs but with a more polished look and appearance.

The Nintendo Switch version has a high graphical aesthetic. The version handles all the visuals smoothly and effectively. When docked, rise displays at around 720p, moving at a rate of 30 frames per second. the combats look interesting with improved hit effects, blood spatter compared to the other Monster World Versions. There is a slight doubt about the visual effect when there are too many attacks at once.

The Nintendo Switch version has the most epic battle action controls. Monster World Rise has vast open maps, innumerous monsters, and a brand-new experience of Wyvern Riding. Every battle is unique, and the version provides the hunters specific weapons for specific monsters. It has the Wirebug feature. It helps the hunter to control the Wyvern Riding and easy movement all around the map. The Wirebug Riding Controls are most effective after giving enough damage to a monster with Wirebug jumping attacks and Silkbind moves. The lance controls help the hunter stay mobile, keep the guard up and work on the counter thrust. Some of the game controls are Kinsect controls, Gunlance controls, and others.
Our final thoughts

The one feature that caught our eye is its accessibility. Whether you are out, chilling at home, online, or offline, the Nintendo Switch Version will always be ready to take you on your next quest. Monster Hunter Rise Nintendo Switch Version has shown excellent improvements and innovations to the Monster World Series. The algorithms and technical overhauls are one of the most highlighting tasks that would capture the gamer’s interest after its launch.

Playing the demo version and watching the trailer, we can analyze that the Monster Hunt Rise Nintendo Switch Version will give an amazing playing experience to the gamers. Based on the above information, we give the Rise Version a clean 9 rating.