First – Bit of a Recap
Fortnite always lands with the season update having an ample amount of breathing time but it’s worth waiting as Epic makes major changes and that’s what all Fortnite players want. Season 4 had the “Nexus War” with full of Marvel comic characters. The spawn Island was a SHIELD Helicarrier and players had STARK Industries Energy Rifles.
At the end of the season, Galactus consumed gamma energy powered battle buses and weakened himself, and entered the Rift back to his reality. The scene cut to the office as seen in The Device, a phone call rang and Agent John Jones woke up from what seemed to be a nightmare.
Now that Galactus is defeated we are here in Fortnite season 5 with unstable “zero points” with a bunch of additions, in the form of weapons, characters, items, locations, and even new in-game currency. Fasten your seatbelts for a ride through all new additions in season 5.
New Characters

After the Marvel-inspired season, Fortnite introduces “hunters” from different realities to fight “the loop”. This includes the Mandalorian accompanied by Baby Yoda.
With the battle pass benefits, the players can unlock a sci-fi hunter, an ancient warrior, creatures like “Mancake, the fighting Flapjack” and “Mave, the shapeshifter”. Talking about the skin in the 15.0 update, Reese comes with two variants-Nebula Racer and Galactic Ranger; Mancake with 2-Cake and Lonesome Hero; Mave with 4-Reactive Hair, Unstoppable, Reactive Tail, and Sheildbreaker; Lexa with Infiltrator and Warstrike; Menace with 7.
New Weapons

The most exciting additions are the weapons. The Dragon’s Breath Shotgun, the Mandalorian Amban Sniper Rifle (also a jetpack), and the NightHawk where you can track down your opponents aren’t that exciting. Exotic weapons include Storm Scout and Night Hawk which can be brought from NPC’s around the map. The inventory can also be loaded with the AK, the legendary pistol, tac shotguns and rifle,p90, regular smg, and the double-barrel.
New Locations

The new POI’s includes the “Colossal Colosseum” -a big stadium in the middle of the desert; the “Salty Towers” -a mashup of salty sprays and tilted towers; the “Stealthy Stronghold” -a jungles themed POI where we may expect dinosaurs in a few months; the “Hunter’s Haven”- a bunch of modern buildings.
Now talking about the amazing locations that returned from chapter 1, is the Dusty Depot Warehouse, the Durr Burger location, and even the Flush Factory. The “zero point” is located high above the desert, landing on it will make you reach the ground faster.
New Items
New consumables are added with zero-point shards which will let you get in and out of reality. There is a zero point fish with the same effect as the shards.
Newer Gameplay and Mechanics

Bars, the all-new currency in the game, are found in chests, safes, and by killing enemy players. These bars can be used for purchasing weapons and items from NPCs around the map. Confused? Season 5 also added 40 new NPCs around the map where you can talk to them and complete quests to earn more gold or purchase items from them and even a bounty where you have to kill a nearby located enemy in 5 minutes.
A sandball mechanic has been added which lets you to sink in quicksand and remain undetected (you can actually move inside it).
Battle Pass
You get the Mandalorian himself at tier 1. Then there is Reese-a sci-fi girl, Mancake-with a bunch of pancakes on his face, A tribal warrior (shapeshifter), an anime girl, and a Gladiator. Mystery rewards are kept at the end of the battle pass which includes mystery skins, emotes, and much more.
Fortnite always comes with a full of additions every update but in season 5 it became a lot bigger and better.